domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011


               The population of every country has different customs. Brazil has distinct customs, and to exemplify I will describe the daily life and characteristics of people in my neighborhood.
My neighborhood is very tranquil, and the neighbors are too. I have lived there for twenty-five years and I know many people who live there. I don't have many problems in my neighborhood. The only problems are the bars; there are four bars, and they are tumultuous. In my neighborhood there are some supermarkets, beauty parlors and internet cafés. There isn't any violence, and the neighbors are very good. They sleep early and they don't disturb with parties. There are many animals. The cats wander everywhere and they make noise. The dogs bark all night and the roosters are noisy too. My neighborhood has good infrastructure: there is a basic sewage system, street cleaning and electric light.
There are many children in my neighborhood; they don't play in the street as before. The streets nowadays are very dangerous, because the cars pass at high speed. In my neighborhood there are many elderly people too, they wake up very early and they sweep their sidewalks.
The only time when there is noise is during São João, an event that occurs in the month of June, in which the children set off fireworks and the adults light the bonfire and they turn the radio at full volume and they dance.
During the rest of the year it is all calm, and people respect the privacy of residents in the neighborhood. My neighborhood doesn’t have everything: there aren't movie theaters, there aren't shops, no hospital, no library, school and bank, but it is wonderful because the people are nice.

Ionara Monick Dias de Medeiros.

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